Vienna, Austria
17 – 20 September 2015
Human Centered
Production in
CyberPhysical Production
Vienna University of Technology
Institute of Management Science
Theresianumgasse 27, 1040 Vienna
Presentations 2015
- Prof. L. Monostori: Cyber-physical production and logistics systems: Roots, expectations, R&D challenges and results
- Prof. M. Martinsuo: Managing dynamic service delivery systems for distributed fleet
- Prof. J. Deuse: Differentielle Arbeitsgestaltung durch hybride Automatisierung
- Prof. I. Veža: Human Centered Production in Cyber-Physical Production Systems
- Prof. W. Sihn: Industry 4.0 – Smart Production and Services
- Prof. W. Sihn: Industry 4.0 – Smart Production and Services (PowerPoint file including the videos)
- Dr. M. Vieira: Human influence over the setup presetting operations in CNC machines
- E. Rooda: Basics of Design Structure Matrices
- E. Rooda: An operating center
- E. Rooda: Towards a lock family platform
- Prof. V. Modrák: Variety Induced Complexity in Mass Customization
- Prof. M. Engwall: Academy of Industrial Management
- Prof. P. Kuhlang: MTM – the fundamental IE-methdodology is developing towards Human Work Design
- Prof. Y. Merkuryev: Review on Research and Educational Activities