Honorary AIM Members

Prof. dr. ir. Hendrik Van Landeghem
Universiteit Gent
Dept. of Industrial Systems Engineering and
Product Design
Technologiepark 903
B-9052 Gent – Belgium
phone: 0032 9 264 5501/ 0032 475 259443 (mobile)
e-mail: hendrik.vanlandeghem@ugent.be

Assoc. Prof. dr. ir. Ad de Ron
Fonte-M bv
Bosstraat 25
6015AK Neeritter – The Netherlands
phone: 0031-475-563499;
0031-6-20881526 (mobile)
e-mail: deron@fontem.nl

Prof. Dipl. Ing. F. Huber
Institut fur Innovatik
Aberenterrasse 8
CH-6340 Baar- Switzerland
phone: 0041 41 761 2772
e-mail: fritz.huber@bluewin.ch
Former AIM Members
Professor Baines Tim, UK
Professor Balkestein Jan, Netherland
Professor Bititci Umit, UK
Professor Bruun Peter, Denmark
Professor Büchel Alfred, Germany
Professor Burns Neil, UK
Professor Caamano Javier, Spain
Professor Cano Juan Luis, Spain
Professor Durlik Ireneusz, Poland
Professor Duvallet Jeanne, France
Professor Fertsch Marek, Poland
Professor Fröhner Klaus-Dieter, Germany
Professor Garetti Marco, Italy
Professor Gerlach Horst, Germany – Honorary member
Professor Grabot Bernard, France
Professor Gelders Ludo, Belgium
Professor Grubstrom Robert, Sweden
Professor Haberfellner Reinhard, Austria
Professor Jensen Per Langaa, Denmark
Professor Johansen John, Denmark
Professor Jovanoski Delcho Macedonia
Professor Koch Thomas, Poland
Professor Kochar Ashok, UK
Professor Luczak Holger, Germany
Professor Martin Philippe, France
Professor Massberg Wolfgang, Germany
Professor Minovski Robert, North Macedonia
Professor Muller-Malek Henri, Belgium
Professor Papas I., Greece
Professor Plapper Peter, Luxembourg
Professor Reinhart Gunther, Germany
Professor Rolstadås Asbjørn, Norway
Professor Rooda Jacobus E., Netherland
Professor Scholz-Reiter Bernd, Germany
Professor Smeds Ritta, Finland
Professor Spath Dieter, Germany
Professor Štefanić Nedeljko, Croatia
Professor Thorsteinsson Uffe, Denmark
Professor Villa Agostino, Italy
Professor Zuelch Gert, Germany