On last November 6th 2020, Prof. Giovanni Mummolo attended the on-line Council organized by ESTIEM, associate partners of the Erasmus Plus project ‘Industrial Engineering and Management of European Higher Education’.
During the ‘Questions / Answers” session chaired by VP education of ESTIEM, Maria Serodio), students put questions to invited speakers. This was an interesting opportunity for the IE3 project to disseminate first findings and to share experience with other invited speakers and students. The Council was attended by Companies’ representatives as well by representatives from SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education), EIIL (European Institute for Industrial Leadership), EPIEM (European Professors of Industrial Engineering and Management), University of Chalmers, Technical University of Eindhoven and LUT (Lappeenranta University of Technology).
It was found a great confirmation of first IE3 findings. It is a common believe the importance of soft skill in the higher education of Industrial Engineering and Management. Particular attention should be paid by IE&M academic programs for problem solving abilities, communication abilities to describe complex problems and solutions, and attitude teamworking. At the same time, data science and AI competence are identified as most prominent analytic competence that will open qualified job opportunities for IE&M engineers of the future.
Giovanni Mummolo
IE3 Project – LXI Council Meeting of ESTIEM